1. What is the Accountability Movement?
The Accountability Movement is an opportunity for people in and linked to The Salvation Army to be renewed by God’s Spirit and refocused on God’s mission to redeem his world.
2. Will it affect me?
Yes! In fact it must. Everyone linked to The Salvation Army – employees, junior and senior soldiers, active and retired officers, adherents, advisory board members, volunteers, friends – needs to catch the vision and get involved.
3. How can I be more accountable?
We all need to be accountable for every aspect of our journey through life. We are pilgrims and accountability helps us keep going in the right direction.
To help us on our journey, a six-dimension tool called the Mission Accountability Framework (MAF) has been developed. The MAF helps people plan and track progress towards a common purpose: life in all its fullness as offered by Jesus.